Strength in Squats

After an unexpected divorce, raising two young boys and moving to a new area, Natalie (pictured above) was feeling very overwhelmed. She was also dealing with constant hip pain which was preventing her from carrying out everyday tasks and was affecting her work and quality of sleep.

After seeing a Link HC doctor, Natalie was provided with an integrated healthcare program to help her mental health and wellbeing plus her physical pain. Our Psychologist Annie offered support to improve her mood and outlook on life. Natalie also encouraged her boys to speak about their feelings on being separated from their Dad.

To help Natalie overcome her hip pain, she first saw our Physiotherapist Mengsha and our Exercise Physiologist Simon for one-on-one sessions, then she transitioned into Link HC’s Prescribed Exercise Program (PEP) at Oakleigh Recreation Centre.

Initially, Simon put Natalie through many tests and found that she was unable to perform some exercises and movements. After everything she had been through, Natalie was not going to let a squat stop her! Although feeling a little nervous about attending the PEP gym program, she immediately felt safe and found the group setting encouraging. Natalie was also able to encourage other participants to exercise too! Now she can squat with a 15kg barbell, has lost weight and is addicted to exercise. Her mind and outlook on life is strong too.

“I feel like the universe is on my side now. Exercise makes me feel better and when my kids see me exercising, they start too!”

To find out about our Prescribed Exercise Program (PEP) or how we can provide an integrated healthcare approach for your needs, call 1300 552 509 or visit

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