Let’s Talk About Continence


World Continence Week is being celebrated across Australia between 18-24 June.

It is an opportunity to raise awareness about incontinence and get men and women living with bladder and bowel issues
to understand that this common, yet troubling condition, can often be improved and managed with the right help.
Incontinence can be caused by weakness of the pelvic floor muscles which can be impacted by pregnancy and childbirth, prostate surgery, heavy lifting, being overweight, getting older, becoming constipated or having
a prolonged cough.
Experiencing a leakage of urine when sneezing, coughing, running or jumping are all signs that you may be experiencing stress incontinence.
Visiting the bathroom more than four to six times per day, or more than once overnight and only passing a small amount of
urine during each toilet visit may indicate an issue with urge or frequency.
Feeling the need to be close to a toilet at all times can become stressful and start to impact your quality of life over time too.
Luckily, in many cases, strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor and making other lifestyle changes can help improve the function of the bladder and bowel and prevent symptoms from getting worse.
The pelvic floor muscles are a group of muscles that act like a hammock attaching at the front on the pubic bone and at the rear at the coccyx which support our bladder, bowel and also the uterus in women.
Just like our leg or arm muscles, if not used, the pelvic floor muscles can become weak.


The good news is that an appropriate strengthening program can be done without any equipment and can be performed anywhere and anytime once you know how.
If you need help learning how to exercise your pelvic floor muscles, please book in to see one of Link HC’s Exercise Physiology or Physiotherapy team members by calling 1300 552 509.


Other resources:
National Continence Helpline
Freecall 1800 33 00 66 and speak with a continence nurse adviser

Continence Foundation of Australia www.continence.org.au

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