Health Promotion strategy for 2022 and beyond

Find out how Link Health and Community is planning for better health outcomes across Inner East Melbourne.

Link Health and Community is pleased to share our 4 year strategic statement (2021-2025) and 1 year action plan (2021-2022) for Health Promotion.

These plans were developed in partnership with healthAbility, Access Health and Community and Women’s Health East, over six months with input from numerous stakeholders across Inner East. Our plans aim to reduce chronic disease and poor health before it occurs, by working with early childhood services, sports clubs, recreation and the broader community.

The two overarching priority areas are

  • Healthy eating
  • Active living

The plans will also look at how climate change, gender and health equity impact our health and look at ways we can address these issues.

Read more by downloading the full plan here:

Health Promotion Strategic Statement (2021-2025)
Health Promotion Action Plan (2021-2022)

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