Link Health and Community is committed to promoting the safety of women and children in our community and provides a comprehensive service to those affected by family violence. We provide programs that support women and children who have, or are experiencing violence, and a Men’s Behaviour Change Program for men who identify as having issues with their violent and controlling behaviour. This behaviour includes physical, sexual, emotional, verbal, economic, social and financial abuse and intimidation.
Link Health and Community offers individual, as well as family counselling and group programs to anyone wanting to address issues related to family violence.
If you are experiencing or have experienced family violence, or you need extra help with the care of children, please contact The Orange Door.
The Orange Door is a free service for adults, children and young people. They will speak with you about your needs and link you in with appropriate support services.
The Orange Door – Inner Eastern Melbourne
Open 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday (closed public holidays)
Phone: 1800 354 322
Email: IEMA@orangedoor.vic.gov.au
Location: 30-32 Prospect Street, Box Hill 3128
If you’re a service provider looking to refer a client, please complete this referral form and return it to MetroServiceCoordination@lchs.com.au.
You can also seek assistance from the following organisations:
If you and/or your children are in immediate danger please call 000.
Safe Steps (formerly Women’s Domestic Violence Crisis Service of Victoria) Please Note: the crisis line can be busy and there may be a wait before a caller speaks directly to a support worker.
Phone: 9928 9600 or toll free: 1800 015 188 – 24 hours 7 days a week.
Women’s Information and Referral Exchange – Phone: 1300 134 130
EDVOS – Phone: 9259 4200 (Eastern Region)
In Touch – services for women and families affected by domestic violence and abuse.
Phone: 03 9413 6500 or toll free: 1800 755 988 – 10am – 4pm, Monday to Friday
The Aboriginal Family Violence Victoria (FVPLS) provides legal advice, counselling, information, referral and support to Aboriginal victims/survivors or people at immediate risk of family violence and sexual assault as well as to parents/carers of Aboriginal children.
Phone: 9244 3333 or toll free: 1800 105 303
Men’s Referral Service – Phone: 1300 766 491
Anglicare Victoria (Lilydale and Knox – Men’s Behaviour Change Program) Phone: 9735 4188
Relationships Victoria – KEW Phone: 9261 8700, BORONIA Phone: 9725 9964
Yarra Valley Community Health – Phone: 1300 130 381