It’s the first of October which means…health literacy month has begun!
Did you know that over 60% of the Australian population have limited ability to understand medical advice and terminology?
That’s why at Link HC, we want to improve our communication to make it easy for you to get better information and outcomes from using our service.
Health Literacy Month is a chance for organisations and individuals to promote the importance of understandable health information and at Link HC, we are taking action to improve our communication.
We are asking our staff to make a pledge and ‘drop the jargon’ on Tuesday 23rd October. We will be having conversations about the importance of using plain language when speaking with our clients and reviewing our letters or patient forms which could be simplified.
Keep a look-out for our #DropTheJargon18 social media campaign, where you’ll see some familiar faces of our staff! You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram @LinkHealthCom